
Our Slothful Selves

I’m Todd Ervin, a former Army Aviator and now career marketer who loves to travel, cook and enjoy all things foodie. Sloth Life was the brainchild of my oldest niece, Shemeika (Meika) Mathews. Meika is an Army wife, super mom to three cool kids and pretty much a nerd.

This all started with her putting #slothlife behind her social media posts. After leaving my last job, I had a little downtime. I sent Meika an email asking if she wanted to start a travel blog with her mantra of living a slothful life. So after about 9 months of me buried in client work and procrastinating, I finally got motivated! We launched the Sloth Life Travel Blog in January, 2023.

It was kind of funny when I first posed the idea of the blog. Meika said, “I don’t travel anywhere.” And I thought, well I’m not a writer. LOL! So, with the travel my wife and I do and Meika’s English Literature background, we have the perfect team! Instead of spending my time writing up reviews on Trip Advisor and emailing travel tips to friends when they ask, I can now spend it writing blogs. Our friends and family can simply go to the blog instead of waiting for me to email them.

We started the blog just for fun, but if it gets a following and funds Meika and family getting to travel one day…BONUS!

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